Sabtu, 18 Julai 2009


ak mlu gle nan pristiwe xde mnde kte blek ntok ari mwddh r kuarge pak ngah tchenta dtg..ank2 dy pon dy angkut r si abg kakak sedara..dn si adek sedara y bwu 6 taon kot..

kjadian ituh blaku lps ak kuwaw dapo..pnt tulun mk msk nh..huhh..panasny..nk crk r nfon tsyg..mne le tw ad msj msok kn..scan r ruang tamu th..tgk kt meja mkn..sofa [dimana si abg sedara sdg berbaring]..lelantai yg bsepah th..tiada..

bgerak r ke meja di mne tletakny tv plasma gedabak th..ttbe..nmpk r nfon nokia itam th..owhh..tgh charge rupeny..tnp mnkn ap2 btg pd si nfon..charger twos dicabut..kaki twos nk mlgkh ke blik da nh..


sore ituh bersuare..

"th nfon sy r.."

kate2 si abg sedara mmatikn lgkh ke blik..dgn mke bjet x bslh..bdn di psg 360 drjh pelahan lahan..


nfon betuka tgn..snyom plstik ditmpl srta mrta..uit..malu syiot..

twos ak msk ke blik tnp sbrg kate kakak sedara di sblh abg sedara hny mmp tsenyom..dodol..mluny r!spe suwoh wt nfon sme housing..wt malu kaum er..ble selisih nan si abg sedara ituhh..hny mmp mnahan mlu er..nk wt cemane..haila..

di dlm blk..twos ak ceghite pd akk tchenta perihal kjadian mmalukan ituhh..i swear..i WILL check the wallpaper of every nfon i wanna take..

Jumaat, 17 Julai 2009

seperti yg SHAKESPEARE kte..

"life's but a walking shadow.."

mst korg ingtkn ayat dlm sajak dy yg famous th..ap kok..??x ingt r..huk3..owhhh..tjuk dy LIFE'S BRIEF CANDLE..ingt kn3..??sjk th byk ngajar ak about life and the way to live in it actually..ayt th je da byk mksud dy..dy kte khidupn itu spti byg2 yg bgrk2..mmg r..nh translation melayu btul r..smbong ag poem th..

"..a poor player.."
"that struts and frets his hour upon the stage.."

dy ckp cm pelakon pulak..yg mhbskn mse dy ats pnts th..that player struts and frets..that what he says..wasting hours upon the th r idop..kte nh idop wt memcm..nme famous kemain ag..ckp nme sume org

"and then it is heard no more.."

msti r org th mati kn..ble org th da xde,,xde spe pon da x ingt da pon tat dy..pergi cm gth er..len r femly n spupu spapat dy kn..humm..

"it is a tale.."
"told by an idiot,,full of sound and fury.."

it IS like a tale..a fairytale..told by a person,,a human being..telling all the people about it..semngt org th org len cm x kesah er..cyan mmt th..

"signifying nothing.."

laz2ny xde pape pon..menyedehkn pny ending..sdey2..cmth r idop itu dr pndgn org puteh yg tataw ap2 pon tntg dnie akhirat..yg x jelas tntg kpecayaan dorg..xkn org islam nk biar idop dorg cm gth er kn..ble mti abes cmth sbb ad hds yg kte..

ble kte mti nanti..xde pape yg kte akn bwk sme2 kte kcuali 3 mnde er..
amln kte..ilmu yg diamalkn..n doa ank2 soleh..klu da jdk mk bpk sbb kne stat dri skrg klu nk slmt..haha..

think about it..mybe what i'm pratting didn't give anything to some of you..but this is what life is about..rite..??

Sabtu, 4 Julai 2009


huhuu..arinh bgn lmbt..6.30a.m..!!
it's late..n we're totally will get our names in the JAKSA(jawatankuasa solat awal) list..
doomed..!!disaster..!!totally busted..!!
ehehh..walau ap pon,,ssjuk mne pon pg ituhh..kaki ttp mlgkh ke surau..bjln r ak nan tmn stay-up mlm..cik bumble-bee..hahaa..nme th bwu dpt pg nh..sbb sore dy cm bumble-bee dlm cte transformers th..huu..spe suwoh xmkn dah sore merdu..ehehh..bjln r kami mlwn arus dak2 yg da slsi solt n bce ma' sbb pepg bte cm gth..xde mse nk memalu..redah je r..

smpi r kt surau..ntah cmne ntah si cik bumble-bee ttbe tsgkur nk tjtoh..nan selipa jpn yg dah tcmpk2ny..haila..seb bek pg ag..klu x mau ak gelak guling2 tat r amek wudhu'..msk2 dlm..jemaah kduwe da bengong..huu..kne r wat jemaah bwu..

si cik bumble-bee jdk imam..ak pon iqamah x cik bumble-bee bleh lk glak2 nan si cik melaka yg jge lmbt ktike ituhh..rpe2ny kmi dlm stu line y sme..sbaris..spatotny imam kdpn sket..bngong..!!si cik imam bkn nk ke dpn..dodol..!!da laa glak2 cm owg gle..msg2 xnk jdk imam..bpsg2 r kt stu 3 knk2 riang rie..tolak mnolak..cik bumble-bee kmbali ke tgh..bley plak wt testing sore..dy pon testing r angkt takbir..

"allahu akbar.."

kuar r sore mrdu bumble-bee ny..hahaha..pecah twos glak tat stu..sengal ny imam..adehh..smpe ble x angkt tkbr..laz2..

"ko r jdk imam..!!"

posisi pon btuka..tkbr slmt diangkt,,qunut slmt dbaca..ttbe tyme plak jemaah lmbt nh..salam saf diblkg ek..?? dodol..ingt kmi btge er lmbt..wkt nk naek..


huhh..psrh r..tpkse r bg kt adek f4 th..huuu..free2 er..nk kuwaw th jln r..tlggr plak pntu sliding door bgk cik melaka th gelak er..siot..!!nek2 ats..xleh tdo daa..

tpacak r tge eko tat tgh dorm th xtaw nk wt pe..huu..itula pngalamn suboh plg er owg bgon pg gegelak gth..gilak ap..??cm pe er..haila..