alhmdulillah.ramadhan suda kmbli.thnx to who?of course it is to Him, The Almighty for he has given us another chance to face ramadhan satu kly lg.
bkn sng nk puasa in a day.bkn sng nk buka mata utk b'shr pg2.n bkn sng nk trn g musolla dr tgkt 4 th smate2 utk solat tarawikh + witir 11 rakaat.bkn sb Allah izinkn.diri ini mmp utk tdk mkn dn mnm utk 12 jam lmeny.diri ini mmp utk bukakn mata dr tidur y kdg tdk ckp lmeny hny utk mjmh sahur.n dri ini juga mmpu utk mnapak trn tgga ke musolla orion bg solat sunat 11 rakaat lmeny.
sb maha pengasih dan penyayangnya Allah.Dia beri kte pluang nk upgrade ap2 y ptot.nk tmbh ap y krg dn maintainkn ap y salu diamalkn.istiqamah la kan.fastaqim kama umirta.laju je tgn nh type.ntah knp.ha2
anyways.ramadhan ttp ramadhan.exam still exam.utamakn y wjb dhlu then y len mnyusul.kalau x sure prkare th btol jgn smpykn.crk dlu.then bru smpykn.kalau slh nt susah.renung2kn dn salam beramal..
Jumaat, 13 Ogos 2010
Isnin, 12 Julai 2010
turning over a new leaf..
wahaa.finally.da slmt msk u.da slmt orientsi.n da slmt fes day kuliah.hu3.pnt3.mne x pntny.stiap kly g mmne sume kne naek seb bek bas free.lau x.mawu semput duwet mmg ptot pon r nek bas.sume tmpt jaoh gle.bleh kurus abes r dok sni.wu3
td ad klas physics nan math.lecturer th ajar lju gler.tkapai2 ak nk kjarny.huhh.mmg len r cre dy ajar nan cikgu mariah kkj dlu.ckgu skrg2ny bg tyme nk salin notes.nh tyme dy ajar th r tyme nk salin nota ny.ngaa.tnsen2.lecturer physics th plak suare romntik gle.huu.mmg td da smpi kkj blek r.ha2
tp at least ak stil ad mem.xd r dok blaja sorg2 an.tyme dftr arith dpt blk ars bwh.tbe tyme senior nk msk 12 july arith.kne tuka tnsen r.abes kne punggah n kms sume brg blek.x ke haru? klu x kne pndh kolej lg stu
ntah cmne ntah.dpt gk r kolej y sme.dri blok e.g tuka blok f.dri aras bwh.g tuka aras zmn kkj kre bgos r x tuka kolej len.xmau ak angkut brg blek nek bas.hu2
td ad klas physics nan math.lecturer th ajar lju gler.tkapai2 ak nk kjarny.huhh.mmg len r cre dy ajar nan cikgu mariah kkj dlu.ckgu skrg2ny bg tyme nk salin notes.nh tyme dy ajar th r tyme nk salin nota ny.ngaa.tnsen2.lecturer physics th plak suare romntik gle.huu.mmg td da smpi kkj blek r.ha2
tp at least ak stil ad mem.xd r dok blaja sorg2 an.tyme dftr arith dpt blk ars bwh.tbe tyme senior nk msk 12 july arith.kne tuka tnsen r.abes kne punggah n kms sume brg blek.x ke haru? klu x kne pndh kolej lg stu
ntah cmne ntah.dpt gk r kolej y sme.dri blok e.g tuka blok f.dri aras bwh.g tuka aras zmn kkj kre bgos r x tuka kolej len.xmau ak angkut brg blek nek bas.hu2
Khamis, 13 Mei 2010
3 julai 2010 last.dpt gk twrn g tamau r gtw tat sgn.mem2 sniri pon sakan gelak.bia org2 y t'tntu jela tau.ha3
bkn ap.lau mnde th gah er ap.leh r brag an?tp sb rzult on ckp2 mkn nasi er.mne nk dpt tmpt ok r least dpt u.cek r web page u th arith.kte tat stu skng nh th u no 1 malaysia.ak cm mragui gk mnde th.dy sb dy dpt ap ntah dr abroad.terer r th an
mmle xnk g kos th r.da r choice kelima er keenam ntah.y pntg bkn y nk er g mtrx.plg krg dpt sn fizikal an?kre ok r sb nt ak leh pursue biotech ntok dgree.ak pon on jela an.ha3.nt save stu taon.hu3
y besny leh cuti ag.huu.syiok2.mem2 ak y len sume da msk mtrx daa.awe an?tp ok r msk mtrx.stu taon er.lau amek dip ag prh nk tggu smpi 3 untung r sb dpt keje tros.hoh
bkn ap.lau mnde th gah er ap.leh r brag an?tp sb rzult on ckp2 mkn nasi er.mne nk dpt tmpt ok r least dpt u.cek r web page u th arith.kte tat stu skng nh th u no 1 malaysia.ak cm mragui gk mnde th.dy sb dy dpt ap ntah dr abroad.terer r th an
mmle xnk g kos th r.da r choice kelima er keenam ntah.y pntg bkn y nk er g mtrx.plg krg dpt sn fizikal an?kre ok r sb nt ak leh pursue biotech ntok dgree.ak pon on jela an.ha3.nt save stu taon.hu3
y besny leh cuti ag.huu.syiok2.mem2 ak y len sume da msk mtrx daa.awe an?tp ok r msk mtrx.stu taon er.lau amek dip ag prh nk tggu smpi 3 untung r sb dpt keje tros.hoh
Rabu, 10 Mac 2010
judgement day
wahaa.esok.tggl 11 mac 2010.akn kua r rzult spm.cuak kot.ntah dpt bpe ntah.da isi upu da td.mnx tulun ayh isikn.ak usha er la.twu ayh pleh ap?ak ase cm nk rombak blek da ayh y pleh an.redha n twkl er la.
plhn fes:asasi perubtn perthnan.i was like.what?!ayh bia btol.asasi perubtn kre bgos r ag.nh.perthnan!kt u perthanan ny.mngagau ak kot.usha r dy ny klayakn kt pge upnm th.kne at least B+ ntok bio n kim.n B ntok bi,+math n fiz.da r siap ad syrt tggi nan dak pki spec xleh r.ngaa~
susa kot.seb bek 2nd choice asasi th kt uia plk.aiseh.xnk msk uia.mawu jmp dk smka kang.wt mlu er.da r siap plh diploma pngurusn hrta tnh nan undg2.haa~x pena tpk pon nk jdk lawyer.kte arith nk org amek biotech.adeh.
hmm.xp r.ayh y pleh an agpon.dy twu r th kot.waa~
plhn fes:asasi perubtn perthnan.i was like.what?!ayh bia btol.asasi perubtn kre bgos r ag.nh.perthnan!kt u perthanan ny.mngagau ak kot.usha r dy ny klayakn kt pge upnm th.kne at least B+ ntok bio n kim.n B ntok bi,+math n fiz.da r siap ad syrt tggi nan dak pki spec xleh r.ngaa~
susa kot.seb bek 2nd choice asasi th kt uia plk.aiseh.xnk msk uia.mawu jmp dk smka kang.wt mlu er.da r siap plh diploma pngurusn hrta tnh nan undg2.haa~x pena tpk pon nk jdk lawyer.kte arith nk org amek biotech.adeh.
hmm.xp r.ayh y pleh an agpon.dy twu r th kot.waa~
Isnin, 25 Januari 2010
the red gate
slh er klu pnjt pgr for a reason?.some people xleh trime ap y kmi pk..they think of themselves and yeah right..they can judge whatever whoever they all means,it's a free world..but even so,they don't have the rights to extrapolate cte th..they've got no rights at all to insult us that bad..we girls have feelings..and what you see outside may not be the same as the inside..
those y xtw cte sbnr bleh r wt mke sgle..i knew what we did was wrong..but..we didn't do it just for fun..we didn't do it for fame..we didn't do it to show how good or how bad we are..those who think so,it's up to you i said it's a free world..
aniwe,things can do..there's no way time could be turned to fix those we did wrong..why r?.people just can't accept what they should?.like they were good enough to say this and blame whoever they wanted..nobody should be blamed..
but believe me,we did not had any intentions to pnjt that red gate..those y tw cte sbnr knew why we did it and how we did it..those y xtw ap2,x yah sebok r nk tw..get the hell out of our way..we didn't even need you guys inn our life..thousands are waiting to pat us on our backs..we're not waiting for you guys..
never hope and never will..
those y xtw cte sbnr bleh r wt mke sgle..i knew what we did was wrong..but..we didn't do it just for fun..we didn't do it for fame..we didn't do it to show how good or how bad we are..those who think so,it's up to you i said it's a free world..
aniwe,things can do..there's no way time could be turned to fix those we did wrong..why r?.people just can't accept what they should?.like they were good enough to say this and blame whoever they wanted..nobody should be blamed..
but believe me,we did not had any intentions to pnjt that red gate..those y tw cte sbnr knew why we did it and how we did it..those y xtw ap2,x yah sebok r nk tw..get the hell out of our way..we didn't even need you guys inn our life..thousands are waiting to pat us on our backs..we're not waiting for you guys..
never hope and never will..
Rabu, 20 Januari 2010
i'm dying of boredom..
total boring-ness(what kind of word is that anyway?.)..huhh..never mind..seriously,the thought of living at home is heaven turns out the other way round..the best part is you don't need to study anymore and the fact that you're older than any school kids..except the sixth formers..well,they're still older anyhow..
now..i'm at home livin' with my older sis and my two younger other two younger sisters are currently staying in the same first,i thought it would be awesome havin' the room to my own but it turns out you'll feel lonely anyhow..there's always a feeling that something's missin'..but i hate to admit it..ha3
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